
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Next Week's Moon Signs

 Here are a few tips for those who are interested in gardening by the moon.

The moon is in Scorpio today, which is very fruitful and moist. Today is the last day to plant above-ground crops for the next two weeks, because full moon occurs tonight. This is the day you want to really focus on getting your last seeds and transplants out if you live in Arkansas. If you live in the northern USA, you should wait until May 20 to transplant your frost-susceptible vegetables, unless you plan to cover them up. Plant annuals which produce their crops above the ground, generally of the kind that produce their seed inside their fruit. Some examples include beans, eggplant, melons, peas, peppers, pumpkins, squash, tomatoes, etc. This is just general advice, not any hard-and-fast rule. Many plants seem to do equally well whether planted in either the first or second quarter, such as watermelons, hay, corn, and grains. Now is the time to fertilize, graft, and irrigate. Trim to increase growth.

Sunday, May 6, 2012 the moon is still in Scorpio, but since it is past the peak of its fullness the next two weeks are considered the "dark of the moon" as it wanes toward new moon. Today would be a good day to plant potatoes and other biennials, perennials, bulbs, and roots. It is a good time to prune, to irrigate, and to fertilize. If you have any plants that are out-growing their pots or anything that can't wait for two more weeks to be planted, go ahead and do it now anyway. They just might do better than if they have to suffer through two more weeks of being pot bound.

At 8:39 pm (Central Daylight Time) Sunday evening the moon enters Sagittarius. This sign is considered barren, dry, and fiery. Now is the time to cultivate and destroy weeds and pests. Harvest fruits and root crops for food if you have any that are ready. Trim or mow to slow growth. Mulch now to suppress weeds. Covering any plants during the dark of the moon makes it much more likely that they will die, especially during the barren signs. If you cover a plant during the "light of the moon" (when it is waxing) it will probably just grow right out from underneath the cover.

The moon enters Capricorn on Tuesday evening (at 9:00 pm CDT), May 8, 2012. Capricorn is productive, dry, and earthy. Plant potatoes and tubers, and follow the same activities we outlined for Sunday when the moon was in Scorpio.

Around midnight on Friday (12:03 am), May 11, 2012 the moon visits Aquarius. This is a barren, dry, and airy sign. Cultivate, and destroy weeds and pests. Trim plants or cut grass in order to slow its growth. Mulch to suppress weeds. Harvest fruits and root crops for food.

The moon enters the fourth quarter Saturday afternoon (4:47 pm CDT), May 12, 2012. It remains in Aquarius throughout the day, so continue with the same activities. It is generally recommended during the fourth quarter not to do any planting at all, but to focus entirely on cultivating, turning sod, pulling weeds, mulching, and destroying pests of all kinds, especially while the moon is in Aries, Leo, Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius, and Sagittarius.

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