
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Next Week's Moon Signs

Here are a few tips for those who are interested in gardening by the moon.

This week starts off with the moon in Taurus, but moves into Gemini shortly after midnight (at 12:24 am CDT Sunday morning, June 17). Gemini is barren, dry, and airy. The moon is still waning and in the fourth quarter, so you should continue to focus on cultivating, turning sod, pulling weeds, mulching, and destroying pests. Harvest fruits and root crops for food.

New moon occurs on Tuesday, June 19 (at 10:02 am CDT). A few hours later, at 12:34 pm, the moon moves into Cancer. This sign is very fruitful and moist, and is considered the most fertile of all the signs in the Zodiac. Since the moon just passed new moon, plant such vegetables that produce the edible parts above ground. Focus on planting annuals of the leafy kind, generally which produce their seeds outside the fruit. Some examples are asparagus, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cress, endive, kohlrabi, lettuce, parsley, spinach, and sweet corn. Cucumbers, even though they bear their seeds inside their fruit, also do best if planted in the first quarter. Also plant grains at this time. This is not a strict rule, just general advice. Many plants seem to do equally well whether planted in either the first or second quarter, such as watermelons, hay, corn, and grains. Fertilize, irrigate, or graft while the moon is in Cancer. Trimming or mowing now will stimulate growth.

On Thursday, June 21 (at 10:47 pm CDT) the moon moves into Leo, which is barren, dry, and fiery. Because the moon is waxing, don't get too carried away with mulching, weeding, cultivating, or spraying, unless of course it's something that can't wait two more weeks. Don't prune any trees, vines, shrubs, etc. in Leo unless you really don't care if they die, although this may be less likely while the moon is waxing. This would be an excellent time to catch up on activities that do not directly affect planting or pest control. If you need more raised beds, make them now. You can even mix your soil and get the beds ready for planting. If you need trellising or protective covers, now's the time to make them. If you need to remove rocks from your garden, you could do that now too. Otherwise, just leave your garden alone. Go focus on hobbies or interests unrelated to agriculture. Studies show that seeds planted in Leo tend to do very poorly. This coming week will bring you more favorable days for starting seeds and transplanting.

The moon stays in Leo the rest of the week.

Blessings to all!

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